
Hire a 2D Artist

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2D art requires a free hand drawing with lots and lots of creativity. Basically, 2D art appears on a flat surface and it involves sketches, themes, background, environments, characters, element drawings which comes in form of height and depth. As a client sometime it is quite difficult to hire a 2D artist for your game…

Hire a 3D Artist

3577 Views0 Comment

Hire an extraordinary 3D artist is not as easy as it look like and the reason is very clear that in India animation industry is still struggling and you can not reject this ground level of fact. 3D modelling is all about creating sculptures and the best 3D artists are the one who reads anatomy…

Hire a Game Developer

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As a client, the most difficult situation is to hire a game developer to work on your idea, when there are many available across the globe. Here I am sharing few points which can help you to hire a best game developer. The developers must aware with the latest technologies in the industry The developer…

Which Game Engine you should choose?

4241 Views0 Comment

Unity3D and Unreal Engine are only 2 Game engine which executes an indispensable position in Game Industry. The choice of the engine must be based on the necessity because both own their individual offerings. Basically, a Game Engine depends on what sort of game you are thinking to build. I would prefer you to think…

Beyond Entertainment: Instant Win Slots Lottery Games

2698 Views0 Comment

People who are born with a passion for games or who develop it during their lifetime when submitted to various types of gaming entertainment will want to constantly search for new titles to try. Since the focus falls on mobility and high levels of entertainment, maybe even the chance to monetize gaming skills, developers are…

The Video Games You Must Know About.. and Some Fun Powerball!

2844 Views0 Comment

The wait is over! Snoopy Whoopy just fell down into the Volcano. Save him from the deadly obstacles. Collect diamonds, unlock levels. Mind blowing gameplay, spellbinding graphics, and realistic sound to get you the best gaming experience. Challenge your eye-to-hand coordination. Grab the free copy on Android and iTunes. However, that isn’t the sole fun…

How to play like a pro!

2824 Views0 Comment

The wait is over! Mobile gaming has become bigger than ever before and is now more popular than sliced cheese; with such a wide variety of games and applications being offered to the public daily. Conceptualizing and developing games on the basis of concepts keeps certain companies ahead of the pack. The most important traits a game developer needs…

Monster Wheels Drive- for those who love Thrill

2510 Views0 Comment

Do you feel dull in following the traffic rules? Do you want to drive without following any rules and regulations? GameAnax, the makers of renowned Crazy Monster Truck game, has come up with the exciting Monster Wheels Drive game where you don’t need to follow any rule while driving a monster truck on the hilly…

Keep up with the player’s desires

2792 Views0 Comment

Being in the industry of games ourselves, we understand how important it is to study your audience to see when the players’ desires begin to change. Even though we don’t specialize in online casino games, we know it’s essential to keep up with the changes that occur on the market. As soon as a developer…

Tribute to Mr. Satoru Iwata- Nintendo CEO and Game Lover

3442 Views0 Comment

July 11, 2015, is an infamous day for the gamers as well as the fans of the world famous gaming company Nintendo Corporation. The Japanese company has become the global epicenter of interactive video games and gaming consoles because of the dedicated efforts of its CEO, Mr. Satoru Iwata, and on July 11, 2015- the…